Are Feminist Women Exempt from Experiencing bad body Images? An Exhaustive Examination of the Current Body of Literature


  • Ayesha Ayaz Ms Research Scholar University of NUML
  • Ali Zafar Ms Research Scholar University of NUM


According to the argument, feminist women are more likely to have a positive body image because they possess greater ability to question societal standards that prioritise thinness. A thorough meta-analysis was performed using data from 26 separate study initiatives, with a major focus on investigations conducted in North America. The main aim of this study was to investigate the association between symptoms of eating disorders, body image, and feminist identification. The correlation between self-identifying as a feminist and harbouring negative body image attitudes showed the most significant effect sizes (k=28). An advantageous and statistically significant association was found when studying older female participants and a more specific group, such as students who are pursuing a major in women's studies. Significantly, the association was observed to be exceptionally strong among elderly female participants. Moreover, there were notable negative associations found between self-reported feminism and many traits linked to eating disorders, suggesting a possible connection between the two phenomena.

Keywords-  Feminist Women Exempt Exhaustive Examination Current Body





